A hallucinogen is defined as “a drug that causes hallucinations (profound distortions in a person’s perceptions of reality). Under the influence of hallucinogens, people see images, hear sounds, and feel sensations that seem real but do not exist. Some hallucinogens also produce rapid, intense emotional swings.” However, even though such hallucinations may go away in the short term, some fail to realize the long term effects that hallucinogens can have on one’s body.
One example of this can be seen through Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (better known as HPPD), in which “a person has flashbacks of visual hallucinations or distortions experienced during a previous hallucinogenic drug experience.” Consequently, this can cause disruption in the life of the individual, making him/her feel uncomfortable as he/she goes about his/her daily tasks. In fact, these flashbacks may happen at any time causing the person to feel as though they are trapped in a state of hopelessness – and/or distress.
However, Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder isn’t the only aftermath that the individual may find themselves faced with for years to come, but some of the other factors included are; “fear, paranoia, anxiety, nausea, etc.” These are all symptoms that no one wants to live with if they don’t have to. That’s why it’s so important that those who are struggling with a hallucinogen addiction get the help that they need before it’s too late. It is only then that they won’t have to come face to face with crippling effects that have the potential to last a lifetime.
In conclusion, it is best if one stays away from hallucinogens all together. Some are listed as follows; LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), PCP (Phencyclidine), and Ketamine – with LSD being the most potent hallucinogenic drug. In turn, no one wants to find their health – and/or mental state – at risk because of something they could have prevented, and sought out help for. But even so, a number of people may find themselves taking hallucinogens recreationally, viewing it as simply fun and games.
It isn’t until something bad takes place that they find themselves either seeking treatment or being scared into it. All in all, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and taking a step in the right direction – towards recovery – before things get out of hand. It’s only then that the person can leave the substance in the past, and move forward with the future, without the risk of causing permanent damage to themselves, and what lies ahead.