Canada has sealed its place as a destination for quality health care with minimal cost. Being the largest multicultural cultural country in the 21st century, it has created a system where everyone is treated specially irrespective of their background.
The single-payer system and the unique health care delivery have made countries “droll” over the success of Canada’s healthcare.
The single-payer system is a system of payment where everyone is responsible for their payments. Doctors and medical practitioners are government regulated so the price for consultation and checkups is low.
In the worst medical year that Canada had, people had to wait for weeks before they could have themselves checked. However, the system of the single paying allowed a bounce back as it ensured quality health care at a relatively low price.

The unique health care delivery system is the core strength of Canada’s healthcare. The system is built in a way that members of different communities of people are respected and their personal preferences valued.
It is to create a feeling that everyone always has a choice and their choices are valid. An example of this is the fact that you have the right to some level of confidentially.
You can choose to have the details of your diagnosis private from your family members. You can decide to pick a treatment option without the help of anyone. You can even choose to refuse or accept treatment.
The beauty of this is the freedom of choice enjoyed by patients and the guarantee of quality health care. Canada has built a system where people are actively involved in all the decision-making processes. This way citizens are more intentional about their health and emotional needs are satisfied. They feel belonging to a community that cares about them.